
This Plugins adds three dices. Each dice can be configured or enabled independently. The random value is saved with the message, therefore a manipulation of the value is visible.

Usage - Generic Dice

You have to specify what the dice should do. Therefore add the number of throws, seperated with d and the size of the dice. For example: [dice]6d30[/dice] will throw a 30-side dice 6 times.

Usage - Dice1-Dice3

To add the random value, just click on the BBCode-Button of the dice, or enter [dice1][/dice1] into the message. You can enter a number of throws as content of the BBCode (if “Number of throws” is set to 0): [dice1]8[/dice1]. This will generate 8 random numbers.



At the BBCode Management, you can adjust the Button Values and Icons for dice, dice1, dice2 and dice3.

Dices 1-3

  • Name - The Name will be shown at the output of the random number
  • Lowest value - The lowest value of the dice.
  • Highest value - The highest value of the dice.
  • Enable dice - This will not remove the BBCode-Button (you can do this at the BBCode-Management), but will prevent the generation of random numbers
  • Number of throws - How many random numbers should be generated. Insert 0 to let the user choose how many throws should be done, by applying a number at the BBCode: [dice1]8[/dice] will generate 8 random numbers.

Generic Dice

  • Enable dice - This will not remove the BBCode-Button (you can do this at the BBCode-Management), but will prevent the generation of random numbers
  • Name - The Name will be shown at the output of the random number
  • Highest value - The highest value of the dice.
  • Maximum Number of throws - Maximum number of generated random numbers.
