
  • Name of the WSC OAuth-Provider - The Name will be shown on the Login and Connect Button
  • Client-ID - Copy the Client ID from your OAuth-Client of your WSC OAuth-Provider
  • Client Secret - Copy the Client Secret from your OAuth-Client of your WSC OAuth-Provider
  • Authorization-URL of the OAuth-Provider - Insert here the Authorization-URL of your WSC OAuth-Provider. The extension needs this for redirecting to the right OAuth-Provider.


  • Fast Usercreation during the Login - Instead of redirecting the user to the register form, it is tried to create the user during the login process.
  • Redirect User after Logout to the WSC OAuth-Provider Logout-Form - If enabled, users with an connected WSC OAuth Account will be redirected after logout to the WSC OAuth-Provider Logout-Form, so they can also logout from the WSC OAuth-Provider.
  • User can remove the connection with the WSC OAuth Account - If the user should always use the connected WSC OAuth-Provider, you should disallow removing the connection with connected WSC OAuth Account


It is possible to sync usergroups, if the User-API provides role/group information as an Array.

  • Mapping of the WSC OAuth-Provider’s roles to WoltLab usergroups - Here you can assign the name of the WSC OAuth-Provider’s group to the ID of a WoltLab usergroup. So if the roles array contains a group named Administrator, and you have a corresponding administrator-group with the ID 4, you can create a mapping Administrator=4, so users withhin group Administrator of the WSC OAuth-Provider are assigned to WoltLab group with ID 4 during account creation and login (if enabled). Create one mapping per line.
  • Sync Usergroups during login - During the login, the usergroups from the roles array are assigned to the users. This will also remove the user from other WoltLab groups, therefore create a mapping of the groups for all your roles from the WSC OAuth-Provider.