User-API Settings


  • URL of the User-API - Where user data like Username, ID and Email address can be retrived. Only JSON APIs are supported.
  • Passing of the Access-Tokens - How the access token should be passed. Some applications allow passing as a param, or using the Authorization Header
  • Parametername of the Access-Tokens - Name of the param which should contain the access token
  • Fast Usercreation during the Login - Instead of redirecting the user to the register form, it is tried to create the user during the login process.
  • User can remove the connection with the OAuth/OIDC-Account - If the user should always use the connected OAuth/OIDC-Account, you should disallow removing the connection with connected OAuth/OIDC-Account

Required Parameternames

These Parameternames can be retrieved from the documentation of the Oauth-Provider, and are required for successfully creating and authentication of an user. If an OIDC-Provider is used, use the Discovery Feature to help you filling out these values.

  • Key of the User-ID - Insert which key in the response contains the User-ID. Nested Indices can be used by seperating the keys with colons. E.g. for accessing $userData['firstKey']['secondKey'] insert firstKey:secondKey. Common used values are sub and id.
  • Key of the Username - Insert which key in the response contains the username. Nested Indices can be used by seperating the keys with colons. E.g. for accessing $userData['firstKey']['secondKey'] insert firstKey:secondKey. Common used values are name, preferred_username and username.
  • Key of the Email-Address - Insert which key in the response contains the email address. Nested Indices can be used by seperating the keys with colons. E.g. for accessing $userData['firstKey']['secondKey'] insert firstKey:secondKey. A common used value is email.

Additional Parameternames

These Parameternames are not required, but can help in creating new users, as they will fill out some settings for the User.

  • Key of the Locale - *Insert which key in the response contains the Locale. Nested Indices can be used by seperating the keys with colons. E.g. for accessing $userData['firstKey']['secondKey'] insert firstKey:secondKey. Leave empty if there is no support for the Locale in the User-API. A common used value is locale. *
  • Key of the Timezone - Insert which key in the response contains the Timezone. Nested Indices can be used by seperating the keys with colons. E.g. for accessing $userData['firstKey']['secondKey'] insert firstKey:secondKey. Leave empty if there is no support for the Timezone in the User-API. A common used value is zoneinfo.


It is possible to sync usergroups, if the User-API provides role/group information as an Array.

  • Key of the roles array - Insert which key in the response contains the roles/groups array. Nested Indices can be used by seperating the keys with colons. E.g. for accessing $userData['firstKey']['secondKey'] insert firstKey:secondKey. Leave empty if there is no support for the roles/groups in the User-API.
  • Mapping of the OIDC provider’s roles to WoltLab usergroups - Here you can assign a value of the OIDC provider’s roles array to the ID of a WoltLab usergroup. So if the roles array contains the values admin, and you have a corresponding administrator-group with the ID 4, you can create a mapping admin=4, so users with role admin are assigned to WoltLab group with ID 4 during account creation and login (if enabled). Create one mapping per line.
  • Sync Usergroups during login - During the login, the usergroups from the roles array are assigned to the users. This will also remove the user from other WoltLab groups, therefore create a mapping of the groups for all your roles from the OIDC provider.

Example - Discord

As an example, the plugin will be configured for using Discord. All required information can be found at the Developer Portal.

  • URL of the User-API -
  • Passing of the Access-Tokens - Authorization-Header "Bearer"
  • Parametername of the Access-Tokens - access_token
  • Key of the User-ID - id
  • Key of the Username - username
  • Key of the Email-Address - email

Example - Nextcloud

For Nextcloud, the SEO friendly URLs must be configured.

  • URL of the User-API -
  • Passing of the Access-Tokens - Authorization-Header "Bearer"
  • Parametername of the Access-Tokens - access_token
  • Key of the User-ID - ocs:data:id
  • Key of the Username - ocs:data:display-name
  • Key of the Email-Address - ocs:data:email

Example - Keycloak

You will find the Endpoint-URLs and available scopes at the configuration file{realm-name}/.well-known/openid-configuration.

  • URL of the User-API -{realm-name}/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo
  • Passing of the Access-Tokens - Authorization-Header "Bearer"
  • Parametername of the Access-Tokens - access_token
  • Key of the User-ID - sub
  • Key of the Username - name or preferred_username
  • Key of the Email-Address - email
  • Key of the Locale - locale
  • Key of the Timezone - zoneinfo